Friday, September 7, 2007

Peaceful Societies?

"There's always been war. And there always will be war!" I'm not quoting anyone in particular, but I've been told this many times throughout my life as I continue to ask the question, "Why can't we all just get along?" It would be so much easier I think to truly live and let live, than it is to struggle and suffer so.
What I enjoy so much about being a student of cultural transformation and pre-history is discovering that the Paleolithic and Neolithic societies of Old Europe were, in fact, relatively peaceful societies. Many of these societies were highly advanced in many ways, including art, which displays a shocking lack of violent imagery. In fact, there have been no images found that depict the use of weaponry by humans against other humans. This does not mean that there wasn't any violence. It just means that violence wasn't glorified as it is later on and up to the present day.
In examples such as Minoan Crete and Catal Huyuk, we learn, based on the research of archeologist, Marija Gimbutas, that women and men held equal status in these societies, with women playing significant roles in sacred rituals and art. These societies were also matrifocal - not matriarchal, but matrifocal, where the sexuality and life-giving power of woman was honored and thought to be divine instead of from the devil.
And, so I say, there has NOT always been war, and if we believe in progressive evolution, there is no reason why violence, fear and war as an acceptable means of controlling people needs to continue. I am still discovering where I sit between the extremes of totalitarianism and anarchy, and I must confess that (big surprise) I do not have all the answers. But, I believe that there are answers and I am willing to scour my subconscious for a lifetime, if necessary, to find them!

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