Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Gylany Now Rant

Riane Eisler wrote The Chalice and the Blade (way back) in 1987. Ever since I picked it up and devoured it last year, I have found my calling, the thing that I have been asking for, the bigger picture to which I desire to contribute my talents and my life. I would like to help bring the dream of gylany - equality of the sexes - into reality.
It is obvious to me that women and men have different strengths and weaknesses, equally valuable, equally necessary. As partners they are so much more powerful and creative than when one dominates or supresses the other. That we are still in the year 2000 seeing so much suffering in the world, so much warfare, so much male domination, so much patriarchy, is inconceivable to me.
In my world (smile), there is a male and a female head of each country. They must work together to achieve the ideals of their people.
In my world (again, smile), the legends and archetypal stories that we tell our children are not battles of good against evil, but examples of the very best and highest activities and thoughts human beings can pursue and achieve. They involve love of the lifegiving source, love of the planet that sustains us, love of all the many expressions of life and a kind of human communication that allows people to work together to create peace and prosperity.
I homeschool my second grade son. And, oh, the agony I suffer at the examples that he sees, both mine and that of the media. What I want him to see is the beauty permeating all life, the value of quiet time or meditation, how to move his body in healthy ways, how and what to eat. I want him to see people talking to each other with kindness and understanding, in tones of respect. I want him to feel the namaste feeling when he greets another person. And, I want to finally learn these things for myself.
I hope as this blog evolves, that I will evolve with it, that I will find useful information and bring it to my readers. I hope that I will rant less and show more of the beauty that is manifesting in the world right now. I hope there can be an exchange of ideas rather than just my ideas spilling over with all of their flaws and hypocracies.
Mary Preiser Potts

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